ISG Picks
Location: Rue de Formanoir, 31 B-1070 Bruxelles

Suggested by Angela Oestmann

If you are looking for a quiet visit to see beautiful things and – at the same time – learn a really interesting history about the famous scholar and voyager called ‘The Prince of Humanism’, Erasmus of Rotterdam, here is a good idea: visit the Erasmus House in Anderlecht.

The Erasmus House is one of the oldest houses in Brussels (1460-1515). This age-old dwelling, a rare Gothic-style survivor, is built with “Spanish” bricks. The roof, with its projecting step gables and flanked with two quatrefoil chimneys which already herald the Flemish Renaissance, crown the facade with its “1515” date. (From the website.)

The house sits in a hidden corner next to a small park. Finding the entrance, you need to follow the wall around the house and enter a building with two stories full of paintings, furniture, and original printings. When we visited, we used the excellent English guide to describe the objects and the purpose of the rooms.

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