Join Us

Join Us

The Membership

ISG members come from some 29 countries and nearly all continents:

American Australian Belgian British Canadian Colombian Croatian Dutch Finnish French German Guyanese Greek Indian Israeli Italian Iranian Irish Lebanese Mexican New Zealander Norwegian Peruvian Portuguese Russian Spanish Swedish Swiss and Vietnamese

Our current age profile spans 5 decades from 50 upwards, which shows that exploring new interests and ideas is not confined to the first half of life.  However, there is no age restriction and our Monday morning talks are available to attend on a talk-by-talk basis as a guest. We all have at least two things in common, we now live in Brussels and find that ISG gives us the opportunity to explore interests that we already enjoy and/or to open up new subjects that sometimes surprise us and to meet and talk to other like-minded people. 

The Board

ISG is run by volunteers recruited from the Membership.  The membership fee is kept at a level to cover expenses only.  Originally started as a women's group, membership is now open to both men and women who are interested and available to attend our talks which take place at the Château Malou each month.   

You may attend as a guest for as many times as you like or apply for membership via the Contact form.

Are you a potential speaker?

If you have an expertise in a particular subject which you think would be of interest to ISG,  let us know and we may be able to add you to our list of notable speakers.

Membership is open to both men and women

Fees are:

  • €55 Individual annual membership
  • €100 Joint annual membership
  • €10 Guest fee for individual talk

Directions to Château Malou

Directions to Château Malou

By Car

Coming from the Boulevard de la Woluwe turn right on the Rue Voot, then left on Chaussée de Stockel  

and after 150 meters turn left to Allée Pierre Levie. 

Château Malou and its parking are on the right.

By Public Transport

Tram 8, stop Voot; or by Bus 28, stop Deportés on rue Voot

Image credit: Michal Osmeda from Brussels, Belgium, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons



Coming Up

ISG Picks
ISG Picks
General Meeting